Ø Basics Simple Wastewater Treatment Systems
Ø Methods refineries wastewater
Ø Aeration IN WASTE refineries
Ø Conclusion
Waste is the residue resulting from an activity and production process, both on the scale of household, industrial, mining , and so on. The waste form can be in the form of gas and dust, liquid, or solid .
Liquid waste is waste water or effluent from a business or human activity. With the increasing number of people with all their activities, then increase the amount of liquid waste. In general, liquid waste discharged into the soil, rivers, lakes and seas. If the amount of waste water discharged exceeds the natural ability to accept or contain it, there will be damage to the environment.
Pen golaha n wastewater pad a umumny a dil akukan with menggu nak an metod e Biolo gi. This method is the most effective method compared with the method of Chemistry and Physics. Waste treatment process by the method of Biology ad al ah me to de ya ng me ma mi nfaatkan kr oo rg an is me se ba ga i ka fundamentalist un tu k outlining material contained in waste water. Microorganisms own cells ain men guraik 's and menghi ledge content of mat erial, jug a menjad fish material which decomposes earlier as breeding grounds. Methods of processing activated sludge (activated sludge) is a wastewater treatment process that utilizes the microorganisms process.
The objective of this paper is to provide guidance and direction to the reader to learn about the depth of the liquid waste material and the way it is managed.
Formulation Of The Problem
How stages - stage wastewater management so harmless in the environment society?
How can the management of liquid waste before blending public environment?
Why need to hold liquid waste management?
Basics Simple Wastewater Treatment Systems
Definition Liquid Waste Processing
Liquid waste is waste that we have encountered most often compared to solid waste or sewage gas. Even less solid waste actually changed or incorporated into a liquid waste. Wastewater can be derived from a variety of sources, ranging from rain water, waste water, household, office to industrial.
Liquid Waste Treatment based on characteristics
Generally divided into three methods, namely:
Physics processing
Includes several processes, among others:
1. The process of separation between liquids and solids
In general, prior to submitting to the Limba liquid processing, carried out the stages of separation between the molten material and solids first.
Screening Process
To separate the liquid and solid materials is needed screening. One of them is by filtration. Filtering (sreening) is an efficient and inexpensive way to set aside large suspended material. In the deposition process is menegendap speed particles and hydrolysis detention time.
Flotation process
Flotation process used for menyisishkan materials - materials that float, such as oil and grease in order not to disturb the subsequent treatment process. Flotation is used as a way to set aside the material - material terususpensi (clarification) or the concentration of mud sediment (sludge thickening) to provide air flow upwards (air flotation).
Filtration process
Filtration processes in wastewater treatment, usually performed to precede adsorption process or processes REVERSE OSMOSIS her. This process is done to eliminate as much as possible suspended particles from the water.
2. Process Adsorbs
Adsorption process is usually carried out by using activated carbon. This is done to eliminate the aromatic compounds and other dissolved organic compounds, and can be reused.
Treatment In Chemistry
Chemical waste treatment done to disappear metal - heavy metals, phosphorus compounds, toxic organic substances and particles - particles that are not easily precipitate (colloids). How to cultivate certain chemicals into the wastewater so that it implies changing nature.
The process that occurs in penanmbahan chemical reaction is as follows:
Precipitation with Chemicals
a. Lime
b. Alum
c. Ferro Sulfate
d. Fery chloride
Waste water contained in acidic or alkaline conditions require neutralization before or after TREATMENT.
optimal precipitation process will take place in a neutral atmosphere, except for the metal - specific metals.
Oxide and Reduction
Chemicals such as chlorine and ozone oxidation is used to convert organic and inorganic materials into a desired shape according to.
In the waste water normally present bacterial pathogens that can harm aquatic living beings utilize and further water. Presence of pathogenic bacteria can be destroyed by chlorination.
Phenol in Waste Water
In wastewater, phenol elements typically found in sewage plant factories manufacture plywood and glue. To destroy the phenol, used a chemical oxidation process that can be done in several ways, which regulate the concentration of phenol waste material by adding water. By other means burning or by biological treatment.
Sulfur in Waste Water
In the water, sulfur has a wide - range of types for example acid sulfide, sulfite, sulfate, thiosulfate, sulfur dioxide and merkapten makes waste issued fierce and unpleasant odors.
Processing In Bologi
Methods of biological wastewater treatment used to treat all the wastewater that is biodegradable. It is used REACTOR.
In biology can be divided into two types, as follows:
a. Suspended growth reactors (suspended growth reactor )
In the suspended growth reactor, the microorganisms grow and develop in a suspended state.
Gluey growth reactor (attached growth reactor )
In the attached growth reactor microorganisms grow on media support to form a film layer to attach themselves.
2. Waste water treatment based on the level of treatment
P engolahan initial (pretreatment)
Initial processing stages of wastewater, mostly in physics processing. At first sewage flowed through the sewer which has been given a filter using the filter bars (bar screen).
B. Primary processing (Primary Treatment)
Furthermore, the liquid waste that has been freed from the material - material that are large and rather large is passed into settling tanks. This precipitation process in the settling tank is the most important stage of processing liquid linbah primary.
C. Secondary processing (Secondary Treatment)
Hold the secondary processing is biological treatment processes, namely by involving microorganisms able to decipher organic ingredients. Generally, the microorganism used is aerobic bacteria.
Filtering method with Droplets (trickling filter)
In this method the waste that has been processed at the primary processing apda sprayed a thick layer between 1-3m. This layer can be made of plastic chips or flakes of stone that have cavities. At this layer has been planted aerobic bacteria.
Activated sludge method (Activated Sludge)
In this method, liquid waste discharged kesebuah waste inside the tank and mixed with mud rich in aerobic bacteria. The degradation process takes place inside the tank dive a few hours, assisted with the provision of air bubbles or aeration (oxygen delivery).
Swimming Method of Treatment (Treatment Ponds / Lagoons)
In this method, a liquid waste processing results at the primary stage will be put to waste storage pools. In the mini kola has given aerobic bacteria and algae plants.
D. Tertiary treatment (Tertiary Treatment)
Soluble pollutants in wastewater, there can not be separated on the primary or secondary processing. This processing is an advanced treatment (Advanced Treatment) is specifically tailored means of processing performed by the content of hazardous substances remaining in the waste. Poluta-tersebuta pollutants are inorganic compounds such as nitrates, phosphates, and salts thereof.
E. Disinfection process (Desinfektion)
Liquid waste processed at the primary stage to stage is considered safe tensier discharged into the environment. However, sometimes there are harmful microorganisms in processed products such as the primary stage to stage tensier no additional microorganism-killing substance. To kill these microorganisms then processed waste could be included in the process of disinfection or germ killer. This process can be carried out either chemically or physics.
In Chemistry:
Can be done by adding substances killers of microorganisms, such as adding chlorine or with ozonifikasi.
In Physics:
Performed by illuminating the waste liquid with ultraviolet rays.
In determining a compound or substance that will be used to kill the microorganisms, a few things to note are:
1. The toxicity of substances
2. The contact time required
3. The effectiveness of substance
4. Dosage levels used
5. Should not be toxic or toxic to humans and animals
6. To water
7. Low fees.
Disinfection Process image:
The processing of sludge (Sludge Treatment)
At each stage of wastewater treatment both primary to tertiary will produce pollutants such as silt deposition. The resulting sludge can not be directly discharged so I it must undergo a process of anaerobic decomposition with the aid beforehand. After the decomposition of the sludge is then discharged into the discharge area (landfill) can even be used as compost, building materials (for the manufacture of bricks).
Aeration IN WASTE refineries
In general, the aeration is a process that aims to improve the contact between the air with water. In practice, the aeration process mainly aims to increase the concentration of oxygen in the waste water. An increase in the concentration of oxygen in the water will provide a variety of benefits in wastewater treatment.
Aeration process is especially important on sewage treatment biological treatment process utilizing aerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria are a group of bacteria that absolutely require free oxygen for metabolism process. With the availability of sufficient oxygen for the biological process, then these bacteria can work optimally. This can be useful in reducing the concentration of organic substances in wastewater. In addition to the metabolic processes necessary for aerobic bacteria, the presence of oxygen are also useful for the oxidation process chemical compounds in wastewater as well as to eliminate odors. Aeration can be done naturally, diffusion, and mechanical.
D emikian we can discuss the matter the subject of this paper on the treatment of wastewater, of course, there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because they lack the knowledge and the lack of reference to do with the title of this paper.
K ami much hope that readers of this paper can provide comments and suggestions to build a better knowledge of our group in order to perfect this paper and writing paper and on subsequent occasions. Hopefully this paper is useful for our group in particular also the readers of this paper.
?? Bks General Science
?? Book Package General Studies
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